Law EnforcementNYACT offers training to New York State Law Enforcement personnel seeking the latest information on vehicle theft and insurance fraud investigation and prevention. ONLINE TRAINING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO QUALIFIED AND VETTED MEMBERS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. If you are not currently a NYACT LE Member, please fill out the application: Law Enforcement/Regulatory Employee ApplicationA valid government agency email address must be used to be vetted for approval. Once you have been vetted and receive an approval confirmation email, you will be able to access the Resource Center and any LE Only events. Please use proper Sentence Case when completing forms. (ie: John Smith NYPD). To view training videos and documents, visit the Law Enforcement Online Resource Center: Law Enforcement Online Resource CenterNYACT's Online Training Resource Center is made possible through a grant from the New York State Motor Vehicle Theft & Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund, administered by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services |